Posted June 20, 2024Jun 20 Administrators Hi everyone, and welcome to the community!My wife @Jess and I are first-time Japanese Spitz owners and after joining a few Facebook groups, we found it difficult trawling through the many posts contained within these groups to find the information we were really seeking, not to mention the lack of organisation Facebook groups possess when it comes to large amounts of information. I have created many forums in the past and thought about creating this community for a while, so I bit the bullet and here we are! 😅Introducing our own little ball of fur, Aspen, our perfect little puppy all the way over the ditch from New Zealand, thanks to Kylie (KTRIO). He settled in comfortably from the very first day, ate well with no fuss and despite not wanting to go for a walk after his long (and early morning) journey over, he did so well soon after. He has such a positive temperament and is so affectionate.Aspen is now 3 years old after celebrating his birthday on 4 June, and has recently welcomed a baby human sister, Chloe, into the world. He adores her, and you can really notice the love a Japanese Spitz has for its human companions. He is so gentle and alert, always seeking one of us when Chloe makes noises or cries.We're so glad to have him a part of the family and we look forward to all the many more adventures we will have together in the future!
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